Along with our Steam release, patch 1.0.7 is now available! It includes: controller rebinding, many narrative and design improvements, and more! Specifics are listed below: Patch 1.0.7 Changes:
Please note that this patch is still in progress on PS4 and will be available soon; stay tuned for updates! Note: as of 6/19/2020, a hotfix is now available on Steam (Epic following shortly) that fixes Map Zoom/Ship Log Zoom keyboard functionality/prompts, fixes Rotate Probe Camera keyboard prompt, and fixes Confirm/Cancel behavior in Key Rebinding Menu (particularly at high framerates). Thank you for your patience! That’s the End of This Update
Noah N Mayes
6/18/2020 01:02:49 pm
Was this patch just pushed I'm having a hell of a time getting switch pro controller/PS4 to work on steam. Movement is inverted and all keybinds are reworked.
Olivier Deloubriere
6/18/2020 02:20:39 pm
Just bought the game v1.0.7 on Steam and I am having the following issues:
Olivier Deloubriere
6/20/2020 05:37:46 am
Steam has automatically updated the game yesterday and it solved the problem with rebinding the "Cancel" key. The spacebar seems to be effective for jumping consistantly so far. I can then now play the game with mouse and keyboard, thank you very much for the patch!
10/28/2020 10:14:26 pm
Steam PC version, I'm still having this problem myself. Just installed the game and plugged in my controller when it said it was recommended. All the controls in the menu seemed to be in reverse though. Restarted, unplugged, replugged controller same thing. Tried with mouse and keyboar and had the jump problem. Restarted and same issue. I finally unplgged my conrtoller and I can play with kb and mouse now at least.
6/18/2020 05:03:01 pm
I have been waiting to play this game natively under Linux - just wondering now that you have launched on steam when we can expect the Linux native version?
6/19/2020 01:28:38 pm
6/27/2020 05:21:05 am
8/22/2020 08:17:08 am
This happens to me too, but I do not use a XBox controller. I just use a mouse and keyboard, and the game also doesn't get past the start animation with the rotation campfire. No options or menu whatsoever. It would be great if this gets looked at, because right now I am unable to play the game.
6/20/2020 04:51:36 am
I have been having controller issues as well. Vertical movement is now inverted on both the right and the left stick. Rebooting my PC sometimes works but it seems random. Changing the controller layout from Xbox to PS4 fixes the inversion issue but messes up the rest of the controls (i am using a 360 controller) so that's no use. Hoping for a fix soon because i am really enjoying the game and it feels a lot better with a controller than M&K.
Another Alex
7/31/2020 10:08:30 am
Any word on this?
6/20/2020 12:30:24 pm
My Xbox 360 controller Vertical Axis movements are inverted (during foot phases) and I can't rebind it.
9/24/2020 01:39:46 pm
I'm having the same problem (here, 3 months later?). I want to give this game a chance, but fiddling around with broken controls is not how gaming is meant to work in 2020...
6/21/2020 05:35:06 pm
I’m playing on Xbox One and every time I press the home button, the game will pause (which is normal), but the character model will be laying on the ground. When I resume the game, the character model then does the animation to stand up like it does when you wake up after every loop. It doesn’t do this if I pause before pressing the home button. It’s very strange, but not game breaking.
Maxim Ivanov
6/22/2020 09:18:38 am
It's been more than a day and fix is NOT available on Epic Games store, which shows build
6/22/2020 03:42:50 pm
Just bought this and I'm loving it so far, but my XBox 360 controller seems to randomly stop fully working, usually after pausing. Sometimes only certain buttons don't work, seems to usually be anything other than triggers and sticks. Can't even unpause without using the keyboard. Great game either way, hope this helps you fix it somehow!
6/23/2020 10:38:58 pm
Just got the hotfix on Epic. The controller axis are now wrongly assigned for the Dualshock 4 controller. Look vertical is on the right trigger and look rotate is on the left stick up/down. Walking back/forwards is impossible. Xbox 1 controller works though. Also, minor thing, but I just noticed the "launch codes" UI element is visible on the options menu.
6/23/2020 10:56:10 pm
Just want to add that the controller works fine plugged in via usb. It's just in bluetooth mode it has the issue.
6/24/2020 07:13:27 am
While I'm at it, got a couple of other super minor issues I noticed. Going to post them here since there doesn't seem to be an official bug reporting thread.
6/25/2020 10:45:34 am
I have found 2 bugs so far and found a quick fix.
7/1/2020 07:35:06 am
Playing on a base PS4 (version 1.0.7). There now appears to be a significant performance/FPS drop when looking towards the black hole on Brittle Hollow. Making precise movements can become difficult. Was not an issue I noticed prior to the update. Hope you are able to replicate. Thanks :)
7/12/2020 08:38:18 pm
So close to the end and I am unable to select "Resume Expedition" in menu to continue my game on Xbox One. The screen freezes when i select "resume expedition". Did a factory reset and uninstall reinstalled the game. 30 hours of game play and I am unable to continue. Can anyone help? I was SOOO close!
11/3/2020 01:37:43 pm
How is it 5 months later, and when I plug my controller in.... ANY CONTROLLER. Xbox. PS4. ASTRO C40. My LEFT stick is inverted..... why they hell is this even an option? Who pushes forward to go backward??? IN ANY GAME???
11/15/2020 04:12:30 am
Current Steam version keeps giving me input lag. Starts fine but at some random point during a loop, input delay jumps to ~1 second. Doesn't go back to normal unless I reboot the game and disconnect/reconnect controller. Only happens with OW. Using an XB1 Elite 2 wirelessly.
12/1/2020 05:48:40 pm
I just purchased the game and tried to play it with my steam controller after getting the prompt on screen. I am getting the same issue with the inverted sticks and also triggers only supplying 2 bars of up or down thrust. Even when i switch to keyboard I still only get two bars of thrust maximum in either direction.
The Other Alex
12/3/2020 02:19:35 am
My problem was 'solved' be unplugging all other input devices I had connected to my PC (another gamepad and a HOTAS).
1/4/2021 10:12:41 am
The game has issues with controlers on PC. I just by the game and can't play it cause I am unable to jump and so I am stuck at the first stage. The bug has been reported in Jun 2020 by 100 people and isn't still fixed. We are in January 2021, could you at least response to us. It's seems a grate game, how disapointing it is to see that it's fully bug in the firsts seconds :(
1/12/2021 04:05:40 am
I have this game on Epic, and I am also struggling with control glitches which the players on Steam are complaining.
1/16/2021 04:09:23 am
FFS just add an "Invert Left Axis" as a hotfix already. This game is amazing, please let us play it instead of having to fiddle with controllers for several hours... Comments are closed.
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