Details include:
Controllers will no longer become unresponsive when a PS4 controller is plugged in at the same time as another controller. That's it for this update! Cheers, Mobius Digital Team Patch 1.1.11 is live! It fixes a number of bugs on all platforms including a fix to input rebinding, which now saves correctly between playthroughs. Note that it comes with a known PC-only bug that can cause controllers to stop working (see more below). We are working to fix this. This bug occurs when there are two controllers plugged in to the PC, one of which is a PS4 controller; or when two PS4 controllers are plugged into the PC. If you are having this issue and have two controllers connected, try playing with only one controller connected. Patch changes are listed below: Patch 1.1.11 Changes: Tech
PC Only Changes
PC DualShock/PS4 Only Changes
Console Only Changes (already added to PC)
That's the End of This Update
November 2024
From the
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